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Rewired Creator Single Sessions

Everything running in your mind and body is controlled by memories. You've been storing memories since before you were born. The majority of those memories are stored in your subconscious, everything below the sea level in the picture below.














You have created a reality from the beliefs, thoughts, emotions, habits you programmed in your brain. If you want to create what lights you up inside you must create new neuroplasticity to support it. But subconsciously, you have old memories running that don't align with what lights you up, in fact it down right can scare you. You know what you want to do but there is resistance in the way of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that hold you back.


What if the strong emotions, thoughts, and beliefs connected to the memories could be neutralized? The content part of the memory remains intact, you get the wisdom of the memory not the emotional aspect that creates resistance mentally and biologically. This would allow you to consciously make decisions and take action that moves you toward what you want to create in your your life. I do this through the Transformation Rewiring.  While in a meditative state, I communicate with your superconscious to neutralize and treat memories.  The process is very gentle as I neutralize the emotion from the memory and reinforce the new emotions and beliefs that support your ignited soul goal.


What to expect:  Each individual session will run 90-120 minutes.  During the session, you can share your feedback and sum rating privately or publicly. The superconscious can treat or heal trauma parts. It does this by removing negative emotions and pain from the memory replacing them with neutral or positive emotions. Parts do not die or lose information.  The process will feel like a meditation as we treat a few units and stop waiting for the part to stabilize before we treat some more.  This is how the superconscious will do it so that the process is very gentle and often completely painless.  If you have any questions regarding the session please contact me.


Before purchasing, read and watch the video on the page


Book individual classes from the calendar

What's behind my mask

What's preventing you from embracing your true, authentic self? Do you find yourself wondering about the essence of your authenticity? Much like many others, and myself, early in life, we fashioned a mask, influenced by societal norms and expectations. However, this leaves us feeling disconnected, uneasy in our true selves, and fearful of embracing our genuine truth. These sessions work to neutralize the emotional and belief memories reinforcing the mask, enabling you to kindle your soul by confidently stepping into your authenticity and truth—with feelings of love, acceptance, freedom, joy, safety, comfort, and compassion. Step into your power! Recollect who you truly are, shed the mask, and reveal the world the beauty of your authenticity and truth!



I neutralize my belief

A limiting belief is a thought or mindset that you've come to accept as an absolute truth—an ingrained thought pattern that has become a habit. Our perception of the world is shaped by what we've chosen to believe about it. Beliefs can create what you want in your life or destroy what you want in your life.  Are you having trouble taking action? Do you continue to settle for less than you know you deserve?  Do you procrastinate? Do you get inspired and then hear the voice saying you can't? Do you feel stuck? These are signs of a limiting belief operating in your subconscious. By neutralizing these limiting beliefs, we pave the way to replace them with empowering new beliefs that align with and support the creation of what you truly desire.

I am worthy

A prevailing core belief within our society is that of unworthiness—a belief with profound implications for our self-value, confidence, authenticity, decision-making, and the standards we accept in our lives. As time passes, we accumulate memories that contribute to a sense of unworthiness. When we lack grounding in our authenticity and truth, we tend to seek validation externally, comparing ourselves to others and reinforcing feelings of inadequacy. The journey inward, to neutralize the emotional aspects of memories holding us captive to unworthiness, allows us to extract the wisdom within those memories. This process helps us recognize the inherent worthiness that has always been a part of who we are.

Self Love

What exactly is shame? In the words of Brene Brown, it's a profoundly distressing emotion or experience rooted in the belief that we are inherently flawed and thus undeserving of love and belonging. This intense shame can be corrosive, manifesting in behaviors like procrastination, perfectionism, and other forms of self-sabotage. Shame-based behaviors encompass feelings of worthlessness, preoccupation with others' opinions, fear of appearing foolish, perfectionism, negative self-talk, and anger. Shedding shame paves the way for a more genuine connection with your authentic self. Join us in this transformative rewiring group session, where we'll address and neutralize the grip of shame and step into self love.​

I Take Action

Fear is an emotion triggered by the belief that someone or something poses a threat, is likely to cause pain, or is dangerous. It initiates specific electrical signals and hormone releases, plunging us into the fight or flight mode. This process elevates our heart rate, increases blood pressure, tenses our muscles, dilates pupils, induces sweating, and releases adrenaline and cortisol, preparing us for the perceived threat. It's crucial to recognize that fear doesn't just influence our thoughts; it profoundly impacts our entire physiological state. Over time, the chronic stress from fear can compromise the immune system, lead to cardiovascular issues, and contribute to various health concerns. Beyond its physical effects, fear operates at a low vibration, keeping us stuck and attracting similar low-vibration experiences into our reality. Releasing fear is the key to unlocking the ability to take action, make decisions, and choices that were once out of reach. Join us in this transformative rewiring group session, where we'll work on treating and neutralizing feelings of fear so you can take action.


I Choose Me

These are beliefs you created somewhere in our life because you couldn't express your true and authentic self.  It wasn't accepted, it was different than what was around you.   When you live a life wearing the mask, you feel disconnected from your soulful self. Beliefs I don't belong, I'm not accepted our indications that the mask doesn't align with who you really are. When you release judgment of self and others, your vibration rises and your able to take steps towards living a life that you love, a life that ignites your soul, a life that is authentically you! You choose you, which is the most beautiful and empowering choice of all!

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