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Ignite Your Fire Coaching

I create a safe space for people to heal and find what shifts their soul so they can com back to who they are

1:1 Coaching

What holds you back? Unworthiness, not belonging, judgement, worry, control? This feeds the illusion that we are broken and keeps you separated from who you are.  This presents itself as resistance and prevents you from accomplishing what you want in life.  I will hold a loving space for you to determine what ignites the fire within you. We will empower superconscious and recode the resistance in the way of memories or beliefs that prevent you from living a true and authentic life. Walk away with a new empowering belief and inspired actions towards what you want to create.

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Find Your Fire

Do you feel lost? Stuck? Not sure how to get out of the rut it feels you are in?  When we are stuck it can be our focus, our thought patterns,  or limiting belief or memory, or disconnected from our soul and the navigation within it. In this 4 session series we explore what is keeping you stuck, neutralize any resistance, and get you aligned toward what lights you up inside.  When you understand what it feels like to be light the fire within you, there is no going back.

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