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Session/Course Information

Meditating on the Beach

Have you ever……been in a crowd of people and feel like you don’t belong?  Been with your partner and felt alone. Received an award or recognition and felt unworthy? Given it your all and still felt not enough? Wanted to lose weight but can’t stop thinking about that cookie?


Is your soul calling you to be or do something different? As strong as that pull is there is a stronger pull of unworthiness, not belonging, not feeling loved, not feeling enough. You think you are aware and in charge but your mind and body is running hundreds and hundreds of unconscious processes. Some to keep your very complex bodies functioning but others memories that run automatically to help you function in your life.  These memories stored subconsciously run under your conscious awareness. You try to consciously do something different but you get such a strong feeling or thought that keeps you from moving forward. Meet the power of your subconscious mind!  It is truly incredible what it manages. But who is in the driver seat? Is the power of your system driving you or are you driving it?  It can be very difficult to drive because the processes run way below the surface of your conscious awareness. Joe Dispenza says, “Our Consciousness tends to live in the part of the brain where those familiar circuits hold the reins”.


But what if you could affect your subconscious memories by neutralizing the part of the memory that is holding you back?  Science used to believe that memories could not be modified. But through the window of reconsolidation there is point where memories can open and connect differently. The content part of the memory is not lost, the charge of the memory is neutralized allowing you to take the wisdom of your past memories without feeling the strong charge of the memory. Through this process, we bring the memories gently into the active experience and reconsolidate them. 


What to expect in the process:

You are awake, relaxed, sitting or lying down with your eyes closed.  I connect to the superconscious part of your mind, the all knowing, the unlimited aspect that can access the subconscious memories.  Your superconscious is doing all of the work, I am communicating and giving commands to neutralize the subconscious memories.  The subconscious part of your brain can access the memories without the sensory part of the memory so the process is gentle and feels like a meditation. I will ask you to bring a memory into your awareness as I give the commands. I will ask you to rate the charge of the memory throughout the process and you will feel that charge decrease. These memories are meant to keep us safe and will try to protect us from things they aren’t familiar with so sometimes it takes a couple of sessions for the protective parts to feel safe.  You may get insights, thoughts, or ideas throughout the process that you can write down. It can be helpful to journal after a session as it helps to integrate the healed memory. The more that you do it, the more you open up, the more insights you glean from your past experiences, and the faster the process works. 


What can you expect after:

The results vary based on the frequency and depth of the memories. Memories can have collages, many parts to them. An example, when you learned to ride a bike that experience was stored as a memory. That now becomes a memory that can run unconsciously, you don’t have to think about the mechanics every time you ride a bike.  But let’s say now you want to ride a scooter. Through association, we take what we already learned, remembered and wired to learn something unknown. Donald Hebb coined the term, “Neurons that fire together wire together”, “any two cells or systems of cells that are repeatedly active at the same time will tend to become 'associated,' so that activity in one facilitates activity in the other”. 


If there was an action you tried to take, a situation that was causing a feeling, you don’t have such an adverse reaction or emotion anymore.  You can evaluate the situation more clearly and make a different choice, take a different action.  The more you do it, the more your focus is sharpened and you can be present. When something happens that used to trigger you, you can observe it, and make a different choice or decision than  you have made in the past.  You stand in your power, sit in the driver seat of your life and make choices and decisions that serve you, that ignite your soul. You feel happy, empowered, free, joyful, loved. You create the life you love!

Life will give you what you are willing to settle for.  Do you want to rely on your inherited and previously learned synaptic connections or do you want to ignite your soul, live beyond your programmed memories, and create a life you love?

There are several options available depending where you are in your journey.


Schedule a complementary 30-min introductory session to see if the Transformational recode is right for you.


Individual sessions are a great way to to address the memories that are causing a disruption or preventing your from making choices or taking actions.  It is up to 90 min long and we focus on an area and let superconscious guide us through the area that needs treatment. Often it can be different that what we consciously think it is. We have several approaches to focus on the session; goals, problems, emotions, beliefs, events, themes, pain, phobias, energy, decisions, dreams, genogram to name a few.


Your superconscious will guide us to the memories in your subconscious that need attention. The individual session focuses on you and what you need to fully step into your power and into the driver seat of your life.


Drop-in group sessions are good if you know that you have a repeating themes that continues to appear in your life. The group sessions will allow you to focus on the memories associated to the topic area. I connect into the group superconscious energy.   There is a reason the group of people came together for the group session and superconscious knows what is needed for the great good of all. We are all connected energetically. The group sessions are also a great way to maintain the momentum after individual session or courses.


6-week courses are fantastic for focusing on a particular area and immersing yourself to release the old and create the new.  Not only do you get to connect with a tribe of like minded individuals but also you get to experience another person's perspective that may enhance and heal your own. Neutralizing old belief and emotional patterns and replacing them with new neural synaptic connections is the best way to reinforce the new neuroplasticity with the authenticity and truth of who you are.

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