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What if life wasn't about settling?

What if there was more?


What if you stepped into your power, felt your soul run through your veins, allowed your heart to connect to who you really are? Would you live your life differently?


What if you stood in your awesomeness even if it wasn't accepted by others? Can you feel the courage and strength?


What if you felt your worth, attracted opportunities, experiences, and money? Can you feel the abundance and creativity?


What if you unapologetically intertwined your heart with another and felt the pulse of love fuel the passion in your body? Can you feel the love and ecstasy?


What if you squeezed the juice out of what life has to offer? Can you feel the power and inspiration?


What if you lived life on your terms and not by other's acceptance? Can you feel the freedom and transformation?


You create your reality! You can choose to live with fear, regret, inhibitions, anger, you name your flavor of low vibration emotions. OR, you can make a decision to feel alive, fearless, love, gratitude, excitement, energetic, you name your flavor of juicy inspiration!


You are one decision away darling! That decision leads to the next which leads to the next which creates a life you can't get enough of.


Decide today to live a life that stirs the spirit and ignites the soul!


Donna Kendall

Rewired Creator

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