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Remove the Mask


A 6-week journey starting Thursday January 4th at 6:30pm Eastern


The Rewired Creator 6-week journey Remove the Mask, will clear the resistance so you can come back home and remember who you are. Depending on the home and/or environment that you grew up in you may have created this mask that allowed you to function in a way that was "accepted", was "normal", that aligned with the familial or societal standards that you observed or expected to be.  When you tried to express who you were, you weren't met with love and acceptance, you were met with criticism or judgment.  You lived a certain part of your life trying to conform to this mask, never feeling comfortable but assuming that was what life was.  You probably never felt like you belonged because where this mask was never comfortable, you never felt authentic, it was awkward and sometimes painful. In fact, you were self critical of yourself because you never felt comfortable being this person that your family or society expected you to be.  After living with this mask for many, many years, something happens that makes you question this life you've been living. Something makes you question who are you? But you have this life, job, thoughts, beliefs, emotions that all support you living with this mask.  But you have this burning desire to find out who you are? And how do I live this life without the mask?


This 6 week course removes the resistance created by the way of emotions and beliefs tied to memories that keep you living a life with the mask. Explore who you are without the mask and neutralize the resistance, remove the noise in your body and mind, so you can come back and remember who you are. So you can step into your authenticity and truth. 


The package can be purchased and includes;

  • Week 1 - What is keeping the mask on

  • Week 2 - Unworthiness

  • Week 3 - Fear

  • Week 4 - Shame

  • Week 5 - Judgment Self/Others

  • Week 6 - Reinforcing the beliefs to support your soul's authenticity





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